Take control of your CPM schedule


Industrial Progress Viewer

See your project progress instantly, in 2D, in real-time.

Toadfly Industrial Progress Viewer (IPV) is a web-based application allowing users to control their Critical Path Method (CPM) schedule. IPV transforms a CPM schedule into a 2-D model to visually illustrate the progress and scenarios for a turnaround/capital project.

The application fully transforms a CPM schedule into a 2-D model illustrating a project’s progress and scenarios. With IPV’s comparison view, you can instantaneously view the CPM’s updated target(s), actual and deltas of the schedule, eliminating wasted time sifting through pages and pages of CPM reports. IPV’s features and integration with your organizational structure will allow you to view status reports for all current, past, and future projects in real-time.

If traditional reporting is still required, Toadfly IPV can provide simple, easy-to-view reports that satisfy your organizational requirements.

Key Features

  • Integrates with any CPM software (Primavera, Microsoft Projects)
  • Snapshot View
  • Paperless and traditional reporting
  • View as a plot plan or by equipment category
  • Life cycle tracking

Real-time visualization of progress

By integrating IPV with Primavera, users can see the progression of equipment as it is updated in the schedule. You can track critical milestones such as unit blinding and de-blinding and know when each job begins and if it is on schedule.

Area Density Viewer

The density viewer allows you to optimize your schedule by seeing your work in a layered format by individual areas. Increase safety and efficiency by identifying and eliminating overhead work conflicts before they happen.