Manage your project logistics with one tool


Industrial Logistics Viewer

Toadfly ILV helps your event run as a well-oiled machine.

Behind the scene of every turnaround or outage exists the glue that pulls the entire effort together — logistics. When people hear the term “logistics,” they often think about materials delivered to the job site. Logistics is “the detailed coordination of a complex operation involving large groups of people, equipment, materials, facilities, and supplies.” Logistics is essential in bringing the correct scope, plan, and resources (i.e., labor, equipment, and material) together effectively and efficiently. Toadfly ILV closely coordinates the efforts of all the groups involved so that when the event begins, everyone functions as a well-oiled machine, enabling the plant to achieve the established schedule on budget with a quality outcome. True departmental integration.

Key Features

  • Email alerts for off-rent items
  • Real Time movement flow
  • Create Logistical Budgets
  • Multi-layered logistic reporting
  • Daily burn rate calculation during
  • execution

Move equipment with “drag and drop”

ILV allows your logistics coordinator to see the big picture easily. He or she can see a site overview plan and simply “drag & drop”to place or move equipment to a specific area. Updates are time efficient, and AutoCAD budgets for equipment layout are greatly reduced.

Environmental Reports and Security

The environmental streamlining capabilities of ILV allow the user to forecast emissions while reducing tedious calculations. You can take full advantage of the numerous functionalities of ILV by using client- specific alerts to avoid possible regulatory infractions.